Why You Should Consider Pushing Bedtime

You're paying a lot of money to have your family photographed, and I don't want your photos to be good, I want them to be FANTASTIC. Those amazing photos that will blow your socks off don't happen at 4pm - they happen at sunset.

Photos taken in the afternoon/early evening and photos taken at sunset will be substantially different. That's not to say that we can't get nice photos at any time of day, but if you want the very best photos possible...those happen at sunset. Period. Any photographer who tells you otherwise is lying.

At sunset, we get the beautiful, dramatic light. We get that golden glow, rimming your child's face. We get silhouettes and dramatic landscapes. We're able to shoot anywhere and everywhere (rather than being forced to stay within shaded areas).

As a mother of two little girls (and as someone who keeps her kids on a very strict sleep schedule) believe me when I say that I get it. The idea of choosing to push bedtime seems insane...but hear me out.

One night. One late bedtime. One schedule change in exchange for the best possible photos of your family. Photos that you will have forever, photos to remember this little slice of time. I don't know one single family who has ever regretted pushing bedtime to make a sunset session happen. Not one.

Here are my tips on how you can make a later bedtime work to accommodate a beautiful spring or summer photo shoot with your family.

Take it easy on the day of your shoot

Our photo shoot should be your only real plan for the day. Watch movies, relax, keep your kids well fed and well rested. No big adventures, no big socializing that would tucker your kids out. Save that energy for the shoot!

Adjust your schedule, just this once

Push your naps. If your toddler normally naps 1-3pm, try pushing it to 2-4pm. Serve dinner earlier than normal, and make it something special/fun (something you know your kids will eat a lot of so we don't have to deal with any potential hanger!). Do baths right after dinner before getting dressed for the shoot. Not only will your kids be fresh for their photos, it's one less thing to do when you get home.

Prep your kids

Hype the day up! Talk about how it's going to be such a special and fun day. You're going to watch movies, eat snacks and have a really special dinner. Tell them about how we're going to play and have fun at the photo shoot. Tell them all about how they'll get to stay up late! What kid doesn't love that?


Ok, so a sunset shoot at 8:30pm in June seriously doesn't work. Totally fair. Instead of booking something at 5:00pm, let's find some middle ground and book your shoot at 6:30-7:00pm. Every minute closer to sunset equals better light!

Book your shoot at home!

If we take photos in your back yard you don't have to go anywhere. When the shoot is done you just go inside and plop your kids in bed. I'll come over in the evening and take photos of your kids eating hot dogs and playing in the sprinkler!

If you really want beautiful sunset photos but pushing bedtime simply isn't an option, then I would suggest booking a shoot in the fall or winter months when sunset happens at a more bedtime friendly hour.

If you really want a spring or summer family shoot but evenings just won't work...don't stress about it. I'll make sure you end up with beautiful photos any time of day!

If you've made it this far and you ARE convinced...yesssss! I am SO excited to work with your family. People who see the importance of amazing family photos are my people and I know we're going to make beautiful images together!